RP Insights.
Flash Update: ReAmped Energy
ReAmped Energy’s 70,000 customers across NSW, Queensland, Victoria, South Australia and Tasmania have been sent messages during the last 24 hours to shop around for a better energy deal than what ReAmped can offer - what does this mean?
Protecting customers from family violence
The Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) is conducting consultation on the need to amend the National Energy Retail Rules to better protect customers impacted by family violence.
Release of the AER’s Final Better Bills Guideline
The AER has released its final Better Bills Guideline released in December 2021. The final Guideline contains new requirements for the layout and mandatory inclusion of information on bills by retailers for customers using less than 100MWh per annum
DER Interoperability Standards
Regulators are only now grasping the full extent of the challenges and opportunities brought by the proliferation of DER, including the need for remote, dynamic device communication. Flowing on from this is the need for interoperability standards and a good governance model.
Final Determination on the Governance of DER Technical Standards
On 17 March 2022, the AEMC made its final determination on the Governance of Distributed Energy Resources Technical Standards. The Commission has decided not to make a rule, and instead rely on its existing powers and workplan to progress DER technical standards for the NEM.
Submissions to the AER’s Draft Better Bills Guideline
The AER has released details of the 26 submissions received on the Draft Better Bills Guideline released in December 2021. The Draft Guideline contains new requirements for the layout and mandatory inclusion information on bills by retailers for customers using less than 100MWh per annum.
Submissions Received to the 2022 Reliability Standards and Settings Review
We continue our coverage of the Reliability Panel four-yearly review of the reliability standard and settings. The Panel is considering whether the form and level of the standard and settings are appropriate for expected and evolving market conditions
AER Releases Draft Decision on 2022/23 Default Market Offer Prices
The AER has released its draft determination for retail electricity default market offer (DMO) prices to apply from 1 July 2022 to 30 June 2023 (DMO 4). The DMO is the maximum price an electricity retailer can charge a standing offer customer each year.
Final Recommendations for the Victorian Embedded Networks Review
The review addressed a commitment to ban embedded networks in new apartment buildings, and enable customers living in existing embedded networks to have the same protections and opportunities as other consumers.
AER Releases Draft Export Tariff Guidelines
The AER has released draft Export Tariff Guidelines for consultation, which provide guidance about how distributors should define the basic export level for distributed energy resources (such as solar PV), and how they should develop and justify proposals for export pricing.
AEMC Reviews the Regulatory Frameworks for Hydrogen and Renewable Gases
The Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) published a Consultation Paper on the Review into Extending the Regulatory Frameworks to Hydrogen and Renewable Gases